Mind of the Phoenix

Arc was kindly offered to me in exchange for an honest review, via NetGalley.
This book made me feel quite torn at some point. The first half of the book progressed quite slowly for me. I found a bit difficult to immediately adjust to the world described by the author, mostly just because the information was provided to us in parts across many of the first chapters. Also, the fact that all the empaths are slaves, and so they take their Masters' last names made it a little hard for me to follow the heroes train of thought when they were referring to multiple Mr. Andersons, or Mr.Harrisons etc.
But, after this confusion started settling down, and the actual adjustment to the world and its rules was achieved, something that took place around the second half of the book, I just couldn't put it down!
The twists and turns were sudden, but not unpleasant, while the era in which the incidents were taking place was described very naturally, and I could actually imagine the heroine with her long dresses and the hero with his tall hat.
The author's writing style was quite... intimate, I would say. It wasn't extremely formal or distant, quite the opposite actually, something that was able to happen because the book was written in first person, and we could "read" Moira's thoughts. I enjoyed that fact immensely!
Considering the characters, I enjoyed both of the main heroes! Moira was a passionate young woman, and I liked the way she was so strong and defiant, but also vulnerable and delicate at some points. Keenan was a nice gentleman. At first I wasn't particularly fond of him, but soon he managed to earn my trust with his behavior and personality. And, I won't even describe the relationship between the two of them! Amazing, full of chemistry, and very realistic. I enjoyed so much reading about those two. How their relationship got deeper and stronger in a very natural way! If I think more about them, I will probably start swooning and never complete the rest of the review, so I'll just leave it at that. I'm just glad I bumped into them, because they are definitely a duo I will be rooting for in the following installations.
As for the rest of the characters of the book, I liked very much the fact that they were described by the author in a way that let us imagine exactly how they could be. I felt like I had a clear image every person.
The way the minds were described was also very unique. Every person's was different, and I loved the fact that it deflected the personality of the person. Also, the way Moira explored them. It was extraordinary.
All these features that I mention with many details appear mostly during the second half of the book, which really made me go through it in one sitting. The only thing I disliked about this part of the book, was the fact that one piece of the puzzle was solved in this first book. But, I would have preferred it if it was a little bit more mysterious, and I hadn't actually guessed the murderer so much earlier!
Thankfully, the full mystery hasn't been solved yet, which leaves the reader with an anxiety to get their hands on the rest of the series' books. I just hope that the final solution of the puzzle won't be the way I have imagined it. Because if it is, I am sorry to say that it would be predictable, and I would hate it if that fact ruined my view of this series. But, until then, I'm quite certain there will be quite few installations, and probably a few twists and turns, too!
All in all, I award this book 4 stars!