Ο χιονάνθρωπος

Ο χιονάνθρωπος - Γωγώ Αρβανίτη, Jo Nesbo Originally posted on Book-o-Craze

Unfortunately, this review was written a while after I finished the book (less than two months, not too much), so my opinion is based more on what I remember of it, rather than the actualy thoughts I had while reading it.

So, from what I remember, this book, oh, this book! It really had me speechless. And I must say I didn't really expect it, because I read it in Greek, and I'm not a huge fan of translated editions. But! The writer and the way he described things (and, of course the way they were all translated) succeeded in making the story very interesting, and me not being able to put down that book. I must add that I finished it by reading three or four days, overall! But, what with the Christmas Holidays intervening with my reading and my schedule, I had to resist getting it on my hands, because if I did, I wouldn't be able to tell when I was going to put it down again.

About the story, I should probably note that this is the seventh installment concerning Harry Hole, but this didn't make it difficult at all to follow the story and get much informationa about the hero's background. There weren't many questions that were left unanswered, with those that weren't exactly described, being some that wasn't crucial for our understanding of the storyline and the hero's personality.

The story itself was quite intriguing and kept me constantly guessing who the killer might be. The answer is quite unexpected but quite logical in retrospect. Everything is very well explained and the writer doesn't let the reader feel at all like there hasn't been any action for a while. As for the hero's love life? It reminded me a little too much of my own love life, which scared me a bit, but also gave the book a little more personal touch for me.

All in all, I must say that this book made me very interested in reading its prequels, its sequels and generally more books written by Jo Nesbo. He is a brilliant author with an awesome way of thinking and writing. He seems like a quite interesting person who has studied many things, in order to give his books the complete atmosphere they deserve. I am amazed and recommend his works to absolutely everyone.