Hidden (Five Fates, #1)

Hidden (Five Fates, #1) - Amy McKinley Originally posted on Book-o-Craze, on a tour hosted by Goddess Fish Promotions.

This book contained everything!
It had a strong and fierce heroine, a fearless hero, it had action, romance, passion, gods, demons, underworld creatures, and the list goes on and on...

Right from the very beginning I felt the excitement build up!
Jade is overwhelmed by the power that starts coursing through her while painting! This has happened before, and it didn't turn out in a nice way! But, her powers don't stop there. She senses the ill intentions of a demon that has approached the King, her step-father demon, and attacks him, even if he is of her own species.

But, what species is that?
Jade is half demon and half goddess, and part of a set of quintuplets that were cursed by the Fates. A prophecy was cast upon them, that they are destined to kill the Gods. This curse set Zeus off into hunting them, through Oneiroi, who can track people through their dreams, and step into different realms.

At the same time, Jade, after hundreds of years of being hunted, forced to loneliness and futile search of her mate, or any kind of romantic relationship for that matter, has started giving up her hopes! Until she stumbles upon a group of five Worr demons, who are fierce enough to be the only ones able to defeat Oneiroi! One of them is also destined to be her mate!

But, nothing proves to be easy for them. One mistake brings her closer to Nightmare, the worst of the Oneiroi.

Will Roen, her Worr mate, be able to save her now that he knows who she is, or is Jade's fate already sealed?

This book contained so much action and so many events took place, that I couldn't manage to get my attention off of the story! The pages flew by so easily!

I loved the majority of the characters, even the bad ones, with all their personalities' elements! Jade was a fierce heroine I gladly identified with, and Roen was oh-so-strong-and-handsome and focused on his quest to release Jade!

Another aspect of this story I loved, was the fact that it referred to the Greek mythology, and very accurately, I might also add! Being Greek myself, I grew up with stories of the Olympian Gods and their adventures, so I found myself instantly drawn to both the plot and the characters! And, I loved every minute of it!

All in all, 5 stars to an awesome story that had everything, from Olympian Gods, semi-gods and demons, to intensity, passion and so much action!