Blind: Killer Instincts

Blind: Killer Instincts - Sidney Bristol Originally posted on Book-o-Craze

Arc was kindly provided in exchange for an honest review, as a wish that was granted to me by the publisher, via NetGalley.

Where to start from? This book contained so many elements I liked. There was mystery, there was blood, an in-depth point of view of the killer, a Killer Club with many mysterious members I'd really like to know more about, a strong, independent heroine and a bad-ass, dark and broody hero.

The author's writing style was rather interesting and it helped the story flow easily. I liked the fact that there was some description of many of the characters, although the members of the Killer Club remained anonymous and mysterious. Considering the fact that there is coming a book featuring the brother of the main heroine and, also, the way the book concluded with the Epilogue, I believe - or, probably hope - that we will get more insight into this club and its intelligent and dark members.

The only objection I had during reading this book was the existence of too much romance. I'd like to have a more stressing and long finale, than so many of the romantic thoughts of the two heroes. But, that could possibly be just me and my lack of romantic nature. Someone a little more romantic would probably enjoy the whole procedure of falling in love between the two protagonists so much more.

All in all, I award to this book 4 stars, intending to find out more about this author's books and its mysterious killers and their clubs!